English, asked by mrunknown76, 1 month ago

With what did Tom offer to buy Jim's services and why did he offer that ? Story How Tom Whitewashed the fence​


Answered by Rameshjangid


Jim was shown Tom's painful toe and offered his marbles. Jim did take Tom up on his offer to show him his painful toe.


Step 1: Ben is persuaded by Tom that painting a fence white is a great deal of fun, and after some haggling, Ben decides to offer Tom his apple in return for the right to paint the fence. Each youngster that passes decides to stay to whitewash throughout the day, and in exchange, each one offers Tom something.

Step 2: It was a tale about the title character, a cheeky little kid who purposefully used deception to obtain whatever he desired. The "fence incident," where Tom Sawyer was ordered by his Aunt Polly to clean their fence as retribution for earlier transgression, was one of the most notable sequences in the novel.

Step 3: Tom let go of the brush hesitantly on the outside but eagerly on the inside. The retired artist nearby sat on a barrel in the shade, dangled his legs, munched an apple, and plotted the murder of more innocents while the late steamer Big Missouri laboured and perspired in the heat.

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