within how much time loan taken under skill loan scheme of upto 50000 can be returned? (please mark and brand) ☺
Brenna I don't 6nk
thanks 66jit
here u go
Plan To Repay
In case of SBI Student loans, repayment will start after the completion of course period and moratorium period (Repayment commences one year after the course completion or 6 months after securing a job, whichever is earlier).
In case of SBI Scholar loans, repayment will start after the completion of course period and moratorium period (6 months after course completion).
The accrued interest during the moratorium period and course period is added to the principle and repayment is fixed in Equated Monthly Installments (EMI).
If full interest is serviced before the commencement of repayment; EMI is fixed based on principle amount only.
There are NO penalty charges for prepayment. You can prepay your education loan anytime.