within the body to help them to float.
Observe the bodies of the frog, duck
(1) Of what use are their legs to these
(2) What helps frogs
to breathe
underwater ?
(3) Of what use are the long hind legs
of a frog?
4) Why doesn't a duck get wet in
Some frogs have come up with amazing ways to keep their eggs wet besides laying them directly in water. There are frogs that lay eggs ...
Toads are actually just a type of frog (all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads!). Toads have different distinctive features than what typically characterizes a frog. Often toads have drier, bumpier “warty” skin and prefer drier habitats. They usually have shorter hind limbs and rounder stouter bodies than most typical frogs. Toads have poison glands in their skin to keep predators from eating them and oftentimes produce a funny smell when handled. Sometimes there are frogs that are called toads but are technically frogs, this can be confusing… and there are frogs that have bumps on their skin and toads that have smooth skin. And there is the Horny toad which is not a frog or toad, it is actually a reptile!