Science, asked by AhmadTaha2713, 9 months ago

within the torrid zone ? why ?


Answered by ItzUnic0rns


Within the torrid zone? why does?


  • The mid-day sun is exactly overhead at least once a year on all latitudes in between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

  • This area, therefore, receives the maximum heat and is called the Torrid Zone.

 </p><p></p><p>&lt;svg class="heart" viewBox="-2-2 98.6 90.81"&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;title&gt;Corazon&lt;/title&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;text x=8 y=22 dx="0 0 0 0 0 0 0" dy="2-8-2 -1  1 2 4"style ="font:bold.7em arial; fill :green;"&gt;ItzUnic0rns</p><p></p><p>&lt;tspan x=60 y=22 style="font: bold.7em arial; fill: blue;"&gt; &lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;tspan x=10 dy=15 style ="font: bold. 6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt; &lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;tspan x=25 dy=10 style ="font:bold. 6em arial; fill: red;"&gt;Follow Me&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;tspan x=35 dy=10 style ="font:bold. 6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt; &lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;tspan x=37 dy=10 style ="font:bold. 5em arial; fill: navy;"&gt;♡♡&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;animate attibuteType="XML"</p><p>attributeName="visibility"from="visible" to="hidden"dur="9.2s" begin="0s"/&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;/text&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;path stoke="firebrick" stroke-width="3" d="M86.81,8.1 5a27.79v,0, 0, 1,0, 39.33L47.48,86.81,8.15,47.48A27.81,27.81,0,0,1,47.48,8.15,27.79,27.79,0,0,1,86.81,8.1 5Z"/&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;/avg&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;style&gt;</p><p></p><p>body {</p><p></p><p>display: grid;</p><p></p><p>min-height: 100vh;</p><p></p><p>justify-content: center;</p><p></p><p>align-content:center;</p><p></p><p>background: repeating-linear-gradient(circle, white, skyblue, green);</p><p></p><p>background: repeating-radial-gradient(circle, white, skyblue, green);</p><p></p><p>}</p><p></p><p>

Answered by Pridhavstar
The tropics are the region of the Earth surrounding the Equator. They are delimited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere at 23°26′11.8″ (or 23.43661°) N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere at 23°26′11.8″ (or 23.43661°) S; these latitudes correspond to the axial tilt of the Earth. The tropics are also referred to as the tropical zone and the torrid zone (see geographical zone). The tropics include all the areas on the Earth where the Sun contacts a point directly overhead at least once during the solar year (which is a subsolar point) - thus the latitude of the tropics is roughly equal to the angle of the Earth's axial tilt.

In terms of climate, the tropics receive sunlight that is more direct than the rest of Earth and are generally hotter and wetter. The word "tropical" sometimes refers to this sort of climate rather than to the geographical zone. The tropical zone includes deserts and snow-capped mountains, which are not tropical in the climatic sense. The tropics are distinguished from the other climatic and biomatic regions of Earth, which are the middle latitudes and the polar regions on either side of the equatorial zone.

The tropics constitute 40% of the Earth's surface area and contain 36% of the Earth's landmass. As of 2014, the region was home to 40% of the world's population, and this figure was then projected to reach 50% by 2050.
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