without actually performing long division state whether 543/225 has a terminating decimal expansion or non terminating decimal expansion
Answer:hey mate here is the ans as we know that non terminating decimal are those wich cannot be expressed in the form 2^m ×5^n and here is a non terminating decimal
Step-by-step explanation:
It is an non-terminating decimal expansion. Because a terminating expansion is in which the denominator can be expressed as .
Step-by-step explanation:
A number includes a terminating decimal expansion if the numbers behind the decimal point terminate or are finite.
The fraction 5/10 contains the decimal expansion of 0.5, which exists as a terminating decimal expansion because digits behind the decimal point stop behind one digit.
Non-terminating decimals expansion is the one that does not contain an end term. It contains an infinite number of terms.
This is non-terminating decimal expansion. Because a terminating expansion is in which the denominator can be expressed as .