English, asked by malviyarakesh791, 25 days ago

( Wme an article on importance of Trees
following input - (120 to 150 words)
(0) Useful for human lives
() Cause rain
(u) Useful for wildlife lives
(iv) Other importance
V Need and value
) Celebrate Van Mahotsav​


Answered by BloomingBud

                       ARTICLE WRITING

Some points:  

  • Article writing is a type of creative writing.
  • The writer expresses his views, facts, thoughts, ideas in the article.


  • 'Heading' should be at the top (at the middle).
  • Then under the heading 'Byline' is written (The name of the writer).
  • The body is written after byline.
  • The body mainly has three paragraphs - (i) Introduction, (ii) Main Body, (iii) Conclusion.


              Importance of trees

                       By - Bloomy

It is truly said that trees are very important in this living world. They play a very important role. They give us oxygen, take in carbon dioxide, hold the soil, purify the air, balances the climate, provide shelter for wildlife, insects and others, give food, with the transpiration process they help in evaporation. The biosphere is incomplete without trees. All the living organisms depend upon trees directly or indirectly. They hold the soil and prevent soil erosion. Resources like wood, spices, gum, medicines(herbal), food obtained from trees are very useful for human basic needs. A large number of tree in an area termed as forest and forest also absorbs the sound and strong winds and make us feel comfortable. they give us shadow.

But what we are doing? We are cutting down the trees without planting a single seedling. In this way there is deforestation and most of the barren lands are caused. The climate is changing and the rain gets delayed. Thus, the crops are affected, wildlife is affected, also all the organism (i.e. surviving creatures) get affected. There is a Global Warning(increase in temperature of the Earth). Glaciers are melting due to global warming and the water level is rising which may lead to flood soon. So destroying the trees will destroy the life on the Earth.

So we should create aware more people for plantation. We should also celebrate Vanmohatsav. Not necessary that Vanmohotsav should be celebrated once a year, it can be celebrated each day by planing a seedling and taking care of it.

Save trees will save life on Earth.

Answered by Anonymous


Required Answer :-

Importance of Trees

Trees are very important to us.They are very useful to human because we get oxygen, fruit and wood. And we built our houses through these wood. Wait, I think we have forgotten something. Hmm, Yes, the forests cause rain. The rain js very important to us. The trees are also useful for the wildlife lives for animals. And the trees give some medicine and jadi buti that make us fit and fine. The medicine are helpful to us and the trees also give fodder. We should always grow a tree every year. We should celebrate Van Mahotsav every year. We should not cut trees.


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