Women can be as brave as men'. a story
Will power is the greatest driving force in which a person helps himself sail through all the difficulties. Unlike in the past, women now in the present are given much more recognition and importance in the society. Now, even women are said to be as brave as men. They stand as competitive barriers to men in the society. It is the will power in them, that made them free themselves from the chains of ill-treatment in the society.
Though women were ill-treated earlier in the society, mention should be made of a few brave women like Jhansi Rani who took active part in the freedom struggle and contributed much to the freedom of nation, Helen Keller who, inspite of being blind, deaf and physically handicapped, never gave up a chance of aiming her goal in life with all difficulties, Pratibha Patil who is the first women as the president of India to lead with all her power. Mother Theresa is said to be one of the most successful and powerful women of India.
"Fortune favours the brave"- the famous saying means that a person cannot accomplish great things without taking risks. Not only in case of women, it is even appropriate for men. But special mention should be made of women who drew strength from their role models and stood competitive to men.
Brave acts of a person not only means physical strength but also mental power. "A coward dies many times, but a brave man dies only once". Therefore, it's is rightly said that "women can be every bit as brave as men".