Women in sports article above 200 words
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Many sports fans argue that women’s sports are boring compared to men’s sports. Simultaneously, women’s sports, compared to men’s sports, are rarely broadcasted in the media. Therefore, could the media be making sports fans believe that women’s sports are less desirable by giving them less coverage? Using the Agenda-Setting Theory, Framing Theory, and Mere Exposure Effect, an intervention was developed to promote women’s sports to sports fans. Half of the participants received watched highlight films of women’s sports each week for 4 weeks. Results indicate that the intervention decreased prejudice towards female athletes after 3 weeks but had no effect on interest towards women’s sports. Future studies should immerse participants into the live action of women’s sports rather than highlight footage.
Women have been fighting for equality all throughout history. In sport, specifically, women were once not even permitted to watch the Olympic Games (11). After finally being permitted to participate in sports, women had to undergo gender testing to make sure they were not men trying to cheat the system (62). Furthermore, the coverage of women’s sports did not supersede coverage of dogs and horses until 1992 (42). To this day, female athletes still experience significantly less and different media coverage than their male counterparts. The purpose of this study is to examine how increasing exposure to women’s sports impacts attitudes towards women’s sports.
For many years, women have been underappreciated. They are seen as individuals who should only cook, clean, and take care of the kids around the house. As the years move on, women are starting to break those stereotypes and becoming strong and independent. One of the ways that they are doing this is through the sports world. Many professional women athletes have been helping to tear down those stereotypes and let the people of the world know that women are capable of what men can do too. Even though men’s sports are more popular than women’s, the media should acknowledge women’s sports just as much as men’s because the physical activities that women do in the sports world encourage girls to play them, breaks through the gender barrier and increasing the recognition of women’s sports increases funding for them. With the media knowing more about women who play sports, this encourages girls to want to play them. The more that girls in elementary school and middle school see women playing baseball or basketball, they will want to play them. For example, “the limited coverage of women’s sports is the distinct lack of sports role models available as sources of inspiration for girls” It is crucial for kids in this society to grow up with good role models to be great influencers for the future generations. Women that play sports are influencers for girls because it shows girls that they are able to do anything that men can do.