English, asked by shivamrajputd7055, 9 months ago

women's rights even 60 years after independence
The situation of woman is good in rural areas. Your option is required for the views given by the author ​


Answered by shreelatabhujel


This paper deals with the general condition of the rural Indian women and the impact of

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) on the overall

empowerment of the rural women. MGNREGS is for the rural people, including rural women,

who are unskilled or semi-skilled. Several provisions, like availability of drinking water, shade,

first-aid, crèche at the working site have made this scheme unique. Crèches are helping the rural

mothers as they do not have to depend on others at home to take care of the children. Usually,

the elder daughter takes on the responsibility of the younger siblings at home when the mother is

away for work. This facility has relieved the elder daughters from this duty and they can attend

school. This flagship programme of the Government of India has been criticized from several

quarters. However, some positive intentions of the ground-level officials and the awareness of

the beneficiaries can really bring in a revolution in the lives of Indian rural women.

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