English, asked by kabilan7200, 2 months ago

Women should step outside their comfort zones prepare a speech?


Answered by Anonymous

Social conditioning has made women collaborative rather than competitive, to be more compliant rather than challenge or question, adopt a docile approach rather than speak their mind. For women to feel comfortable and recognised in any male dominated industry, we need to break the shackles of decades of socially constructed gender identities that have been imposed on both men and women.

It could be argued that women are at a natural disadvantage because of their ‘ever ticking biological clock’, the high pressure game of balancing marriage, family and raising a child,all while also trying to climb up the professional ladder. I have often come across women who almost feel guilty when they spend more energy on their jobs rather than their homes.

In order to move away from these gender norms, women need to ensure they voice their opinions and express themselves confidently whenever the opportunities arise be it at brainstorming sessions, group discussions or project presentations. Women need to step out of their comfort zone and break the silence sound barrier that could be perceived as ignorance or complacence.

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