English, asked by priya0067, 1 year ago

wonderful gift to another, and forget, being kind,for the gift,receiver happy ,
gift in return, sake of others, work for you, the cast
3. Thoughtfulness endears one human being_______
4. A generous heart gives without counting________
5. The loving Father has bestowed on us His . .._____________..............
6. You do not give a gift expecting a ..________
7. Do not feel hurt when somebody forgets to thank you__________
8. You do not give a coin to a beggar wanting him to ____________....
9. Be ready to sacrifice your time and energy for the _________....
10. Thoughtful people are noble hearted, they forgive ____________...​


Answered by yogitha216


3.the cast

4.wonderful gift to another

5.work for you

6.a receiver happy

7.for the gift

8.gift in return

9.sake of others

10.being kind

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