English, asked by omkarcbsa63591, 1 year ago

Wonders of science Essay


Answered by kamilayutika



Wonders of Science’ are the blessings on which humans rely upon today for their living. It has made us live our life with utmost excitement. Right from the mobile alarm that wakes us up in the morning to the melodious songs that we hear using the headphones before bed, each and everything that man uses are wonders of science.

The observation of our surrounding, our constant thirst to know about things and invent new ones according to our needs has what led to a completely innovative field in the name of science.Everything we do, from small things at our home to launch of rockets in space, has some science involved in it. Science has done so many wonders to us that it is impossible to ignore the role that science has played in our lives.

Discovery of science has served mankind with many blessings that we are enjoying now in our daily life. Science changed the animal-like living creature to a human being who developed it further to create and invent many miraculous changes in this world. From the daily cores that we use in our home to those undeniably developed technologies are the wonders of science.

Science in Communication:

Understanding science has made the simple animal-like lifestyle of humans to a more social one. They started communicating and later the development increased to the findings like phones, televisions, etc.

Wonders of Science can be seen in connecting people who are even miles away from each other. They also made possible to make important news and awareness to reach everyone in the globe, simultaneously.

Science in Health:

Diseases and deaths due to them was a common threat in the early age. With the help of science and development in the field, many life-threatening diseases were cured easily. Now in this recent world, almost all types of diseases, from simple to complicated one, can be cured by medicines and appropriate treatments are the wonders of science.

Science has also helped us in understanding better things and to follow better eating habits to maintain good health condition. The blend of different naturally available food can give amazing health benefits, which were discovered through scientific researches.

Science in the Betterment of life:

Science and development have made our daily life duties easy and effortless. From the light that saves us from darkness to the fan that gives us cool wind to kitchen wears that make daily cores easy are all wonders of science.

Boon or Bane:

Science is, of course, a blessing to mankind, which was discovered to ease and serve mankind with better options. But as in all findings, there are cases where these technologies are being misused too. Whether scientific development is a boon or bane is in the hands of people who use them. It is our responsibility to use these blessings for betterment and not for extinction.

The rational power of humans has opened them to the mysteries of the world. The curious rationality has helped them to conceive and comprehend the universe and adapt to the changes within the planet, earth. The stream of science generally comprises the discoveries and knowledge about the world and its existence.

Science is a vast ocean of knowledge and it spread into biology, physics, chemistry, geology, oceanography and many, based on the related field of study, opens its vista to the wonders of the earth. It is the scientific research and learning that have made our lives easier and suitable with the changes of the world. The wonders of science started right from the invention of fire which ignited the lives of the whole human species to a new phase.

When humans found the advantage of the wheel, they started transportation. With the discovery of telescope, they learned the phenomenon of day and light. Later we invented the bulb that enlightened the whole world.

The knowledge of gravitational force made us fly through the vast sky using the airplanes like a bird. Likewise, the biological researches ensured our healthy lifestyle. We learned to preserve our natural resources for the next generations.

Our science has broken its earthly boundaries to space as well. We have the lunar expeditions, the Mars expeditions, research centers in space to observe and study the universe.

The technological inventions are remarkable. The computers, chips, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine language, blockchains, and the list continues unabatedly. The computers and smartphones have made a paradigm shift in the lives of human beings. People connect each other without any temporal or spatial barriers in real time using technology.

To conclude, scientific study is generating a comprehensive knowledge of all the dimensions of living and non-living things in the universe. Furthermore, it explains us the natural phenomena like rain, day and night, volcanic explosions, etc. The defensive innovations of nations like atomic bombs and nuclear weapons are disastrous, though it is the result of scientific study.


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