MCQ question

Lately, it seems like all I think about is branding. Branding often carries a negative connotation for people who don’t understand it. Often, you think that personal branding implies that you’re putting unnecessarily fancy clothes and shoes on a person to make them look the part. In truth, it’s the opposite. You’re trying to bring out the best qualities in you so that you can relate to your audience.
Today’s digital landscape is vast. Personal branding wasn’t something that could’ve been done by any individual 20 years ago. You needed media placement and ad agencies. But now, with so many digital channels, personal branding isn’t only possible. It’s also necessary to live in this digital world.
Your brand is the start of a conversation that you carry on with your audience. It’s the path that you open up to your audience that leads to the house of you.
Along the way, you have to think about how you want to lead your audience to the house. What paths do you want them to take? How fast do you want them to walk? How long do you want the path to be? What will you do with your audience once they get to this house of you?
It’s a lot to think about. Most of us brand ourselves without ever asking ourselves these questions. Our branding happens naturally. We deliver ourselves to our audience through every article we write, every social media post that we post, and every conversation that we have.