word chain of courage
Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verb courage which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.
Of a person, displaying or possessing courage.
Of an action, that requires courage.
fearless, stalwart, intrepid, heroic, valiant, brave, gallant, bold, dauntless, ballsy, valorous, manful, stout, undaunted, doughty, gutsy, lionhearted, stouthearted, indomitable, lion-hearted, plucky, daring, audacious, resolute, stout-hearted, unshrinking, mettlesome, unflinching, venturesome, greathearted, venturous, hardy, gutty, undauntable, unafraid, gritty, spirited, daredevil, heroical, game, adventurous, death-or-glory, spunky, rock-ribbed, determined, nervy, strong, impavid, high-spirited, martial
Devoid of courage; fearful,
bold cold sold old is the correct answer.