English, asked by nareshchhabra2, 6 months ago

word meaning of lessons hornbill


Answered by Anonymous

here is ur ans❤

the thought was almost revolting – the idea was disgusting

an expanse of pure white serenity – silence with white hair and white clothes spread in the house,

a turning point – a radical point of change

accepted her seclusion with resignation – made no protest; accepted her aloofness calmly

a veritable bedlam of chirruping – a noise as one hears in a lunatic asylum

frivolous rebukes – light-hearted scolding

the sagging skins of the dilapidated drum – the loose skins of an old worn-out drum.

Portrait-word picture, शब्द चित्र; wrinkled-full of creases or folds झुर्रियों से भरा ; pretty-charming, सुंदर ; mantel piece–shelf above a fireplace, अंगीठी के ऊपर बना टाँड ; turban-head gear,पगड़ी ; revolting-disgusting,अरुचिकर ; absurd-ridiculous, foolish,मूर्खतापूर्ण ; undignified-not respectable,अशोभनीय; fables-legendary tales with moral lessons, शिक्षाप्रद कहानियाँ ; prophets-God’s messengers, पैगम्बर , गुरु; slightly–a little, थोड़ी -सी; criss-cross-intersecting lines,एक दूसरे को काटती रेखाएँ l

Terribly-frightening, डरावन ी; hobbled–walked lamely, लंगड़ाकर चलती थ ी; stoop-swoop or bent of the body, शरीर का झुकाव; beads of her rosary-small balls of a string of beads used for prayer.मालाके दाने यामनके; silver locks–white hair,सफ़ेद बाल; scattered-spread,बिखरे रहते थे; untidily–in a disorderly manner, अनसुलझे हुए; puckered–wrinkled, झुर्रीदार; inaudible–which could not be heard, जो सुनाई न द े; landscape–the portion of land one can see at one glance,भूद्रश्य; expanse–wide extent, विस्तार; serenity–calmness, शांति ; contentment–mental peace,शांति ; constantly–all the time, सदैव; monotonous–in the same tone, एक स्वर में ; sing–song–dull, एक सुर; fetch–bring, ले आती थी; plastered–covered, smeared, पुती हुई ; tiny earthen–small, made of earth,मिट्टी की छोटे आकार की; stale–not fresh, बासी ; attached on the same building. जुड़ा हुआ; alphabet– letters, वर्णाक्षर; rows–straight lines, कतार; In a chorus–together,समूह में; scriptures– holy books. धार्मिक पुस्तकें; growling–making angry sound, गुर्राना; turning point– a point of marked change,मोड़; courtyard–open space, आँगन; rolled by–passed

hope it helps u❤

Answered by rupamsharma

here is your answer plz make me as a brainlist ans

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