Word perfect is an example of word processor
Yes Word Perfect is an example of Word Processor
WordPerfect Office is an office suite developed by Corel Corporation.
word processor: it is a software application which allows to edit , type,etc.
examples of word processor:
microsoft office word 2007
word perfect
open office
features of a word processor:
highlighting mistaken spellings: if you have mispelt any word in the word processor the word gets automatically highlighted with red colour showing that you have done a spelling mistake. this will help to avoid spelling mistakes.
autocorrection in some word processors: in some word processors spelling mistakes are automatically corrected. capital letters and punctuation marks are added automatically.
ribbon bar :even wordpad has the ribbon bar. this also has some good options but it is not as good as that of microsoft word 2007.
inserting paint drawing :in the ribbon bar you can find the option insert drawing. with this option you can add paint drawings.you can draw and insert drawings like that of done in paint.
main menu:the main menu offers different options like print, send in e-mail , etc.
Resizing images :if you have copied and pasted images from web, then you can change the size and position of the image.