English, asked by AmazingAmir447, 8 months ago

Word Scrabble (Around House Unscramble each of the worlds below. Copy the letters in the numbered cells to the cells below with the same number in order to solve the riddle : LOTSEEVIIN and SOTVE


Answered by uknowwho13


first one dont know..,sorryl


Answered by laraibmukhtar55

Here's an answer:

• The solved word of LOTSEEVIIN is television. We can also make different letter words from this e.g. novelties, lenitives, solvent, violent, invites, tensive, violets, novels, slovan, invite, olives, vision, evils, lives, seven, solve etc.

• The solved words of SOTVE are stoves, and votes. We can also make different letter words from this e.g. vest, vote, toes, set, so, to etc.

Hope it helped...............

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