word stress on education
To understand word stress, it helps to understand what syllables are.
Every word is made from syllables.
Each word has one, two, three or more syllables.
The words are divided according to its pronunciation
One syllable : Dog
Two syllables : or-ange
Three syllables : Ex-pen-sive
Four syllables: In-te-res-ting
What is Word Stress?
In English, we do not accentuate every Syllable in a word, we accentuate only one syllable.
For example
The stress can be found in any syllable but it depends on the characteristics of the word, some people rely on experience but not all of us can rely on it and that’s why we learn the word stress rules or we succeed with a combination of experience and rules
Word Stress Rules
Let’s Remember that:
One word has only one stress syllable.
We stress vowels and not consonants.
In my own experience as a university student I studied the rules for stressing words and I practiced stressing the most common words then I verified them in my dictionary. You will probably find one of these two ways as indication of word stress in your own dictionary.