Work done in rotating a magnetic dipole from 90 to 180
First of all
here force F is simply equal to q.E (since this
E is taken as uniform). q is the charge of
dipole and r is the length of the dipole.
if theta is the angle between the vectors r
and F
Torque-rqE sin(theta), now this r.q is
nothing but the dipole moment p.
Torque-pE sin(theta)
suppose one rotates the dipole through an
angle d(theta) in anticlockwise direction.
then the work done
dw-pE sin(theta). d(theta)
integrating the expression between theta= 0
and theta 180 degree
the work done
W Integ [pE sin(theta). d(theta) ] between
limits of angle theta -0 and theta 180
W- pE Integ [sin(theta). d(theta) ]1
between limits of angle theta 0 and theta
180 degrees.
W- pE[-cos (theta)] between limits of angle
theta 0 and theta 180 degrees.
W-2.r.q.E and is positive as the external
agent is doing the work.
hope it helped you out with the question
please mark as BRAINLIEST