English, asked by atulg7586, 2 months ago

Work in group and collect information about various festival celebrated in your area during the whole year and talk about significance of each one of them.you may talk to the elders in the family and your neighborhood.also categorize the festival month-wise and say which is the most festival month i a year.

Hints:(you can use this grid while you collect information.)

Month. Festival. Importance​


Answered by Vaish2934

Bugatti has previously stated that just 500 Chirons will be produced in total, including special editions and variants, and around 300 have already been made.

Answered by hjeet176kaur


The diverse cultural communities in India celebrate countless festivals, each one in its own way, and all of them bring together people from different walks of life. Some of the most celebrated festivals in India include 1. Diwali 2. Holi 3. Dussehra 4. Ramadan/ Eid –Ul-Fitr 5. Christmas 6. Ganesh Chaturthi 7. Durga Pooja

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