Work sampling techniques quality control purpose of inspection and quality control
The ISO standard 8402 defined quality as the totality of features and characteristics of
a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Quality
control is defined as the operational activities that are used to fulfill requirements for
Statistical quality control (SQC) is the application of statistical methodology in quality
control. Statistics is concerned with drawing inferences from random samples. Hence
SQC includes all those operational techniques in quality control which are concerned
with sampling and with evaluating samples in order to take adequate decisions on
material, products, manufacturing processes, organization etc.
The profit-and-loss statement of an industrial company is affected substantially by the
degree to which its products and services are able to satisfy customers’ needs,
particularly in the long run. Hence the objective of quality control is basically an
economic one. The economic concern of SQC is expressed in a definition given by W.E.
Deming in an address to the All India Conference on Quality Control in 1971:
“The Statistical Control of Quality is application of statistical principles and techniques
in all stages of design, production, maintenance and service, directed towards the
economic satisfaction