workbook of one Inch tall from CBSE class 5A
Q-1 New Words
Kitchen sink
Q-2 Word Galaxy
Flea- an insect like a fly
Beneath - under
Fluff- feather
Thimble - a cover to protect the finger while sewing
Q-3 Extra Meaning (Dictionary activity)
Inch - unit of measurement
Crumb - a very small dry piece of bread, cake or biscuit
Feast - a large, special meal, especially to celebrate something
Surf - the white part on the top of waves in the sea
Thread - a long thin piece of cotton, wool, etc. that you use for sewing or making cloth
Frightening - making you feel afraid or shocked
Swing - to move backwards and forwards or from side to side while hanging from something; to make somebody/something move in this way
Beast - an animal, especially a large one
Teardrop - a single tear.
Q. 4 Make Sentences
1.Stick - Don’t stick your hand outside the cage .
2.thumb - Hold the pen between your thumb and finger.
3. Thimble - She put a thimble over the finger when sewing.
4. Just -
5. Crying -
6. Tall -
7. Month -
8. Store -
9. Spider -
10.People -
11.Pen -
12. Feet -
Q-5 Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
a) You’d surf across the kitchen sink upon a stick of gum.
You couldn’t hug your mama, you’d just have to hug her thumb.
You’d run from people’s feet in fright
To move a pen would take all night
i) What would be your surfboard?
Ans A stick of gum would be your surfboard in the kitchen sink.
ii) How would you show your love for your mama?
Ans - If you were one inch tall, you would be able to hug only your mama’s thumb to show your love for her.
iii) Why would you be frightened of people’s feet?
Ans - You would be frightened of people’s feet because they could trample you as you were one inch tall.
iv) Give the synonym of the word ’fright’.
Ans fear
Q- 6 Answer the following questions.
a) Why wouldn’t you be able to hug your mama?
Ans - You wouldn’t be able to hug your mama because you would have very small arms. You would be able to hug only her thumb.
b) What would you ride to school?
Ans - You would ride a worm to school.
c) What would you wear on your head?
Ans - You would wear a thimble on your head.
d) How would you surf?
Ans - You would surf upon a stick of gum.
e) What would be your bed if you were one inch tall?
Ans A bit of fluff would be your bed if you were one inch tall.
Q-7 Rhyming words.
School - pool
Feast - least
Door -store
Bead - head
Fright - night
Q- 8 Extra Question and answers
What would you do if you were one inch tall?
Ans If you were only one inch tall, you'd walk beneath the door, And it would take about a month to get down to the store. A bit of fluff would be your bed, You'd swing upon a spider's thread, And wear a thimble on your head If you were one inch tall.
Who is the poet of one inch tall?
Ans The poet of One Inch Tall is Shel Silverstein.
Where would you swing if you were one inch tall?
Ans If you are one inch tall you would swing upon a spider’s thread.
How much time did the poet take to complete this poem?
Ans - He took fourteen years to complete the poem.
Why did he take so much time?
Ans - He took much time because he was one inch tall.
According to the poet, for a one inch tall person it would take about a month to get down to the store. Why did he say so?
Ans A one inch tall person’s footsteps would also be very small which take a longer time to reach any nearest destination. That is why the poet said so.
7. ‘You’d run from people’s feet in fright’. What did you understand from this line?
Ans While walking people do not look down, so most of the time they stamp tiny things under their feet. A one inch tall person also will be so tiny that people might not see him/her while walking and crush him/her under their feet. That is why a one inch tall person should be very careful of the people’s feet.
8. How much would it take to get down to the store if you are one inch tall?
Ans It would take a month to get down to the store if you are one inch tall.
Q-9 Thinking Skills
Imagine if you are just one inch tall. How would you manage your daily activities? Write 5 to 6 lines
according to the poet what are the benefits of being small