worker saviour story
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I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13
One day, my father Hermann Bonnke went 'fishing' but his 'catch' was far different from what he or anyone else might ever have expected '“ an incredible story.
My father was young, strong and sporty. Out walking by the water one day he heard a cry for help. Looking across, he saw a man struggling, in danger of perishing in the ice-cold water. How or why the man was there did not matter to my father. He was a strong swimmer and without a moment's hesitation, he jumped into the wintry flood, swam out to the man, grabbed him and saved his life.
He pulled the half drowned victim to the water's edge and began hauling him ashore. But he felt a peculiar drag. Heaving the victim to safety seemed like pulling on an unexpected weight, heavy work. He could not understand why. Then he saw the answer. To his astonishment, he found out what the dragging 'weight' was. Two more drowning people were hanging on to the first man's feet! He was saving not one man but three people. Three for the price of one!
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