Hindi, asked by RJRishabh, 10 months ago

Working on an article on "daily wage workers". I need your views regarding this.

Please answer in atleast 50 words.

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Answered by mayankshende812


The Pune based lecturer-turned chef, Gauri Apte who has been associated with the NGO Udaan got an opportunity to visit a basti –a habitat of the labourers that allowed her to get a clear glimpse into the lives and struggles faced by the individuals who lived here.

The thought struck her when she heard her domestic help’s narrative about his father’s struggles. Her domestic help’s father, a daily wage labourer by profession had migrated from a remote village near Paithan, Maharashtra. The family has limited options including farming (which was mainly for subsistence), pressures demanded, that they migrate lock stock barrel to a city with ample opportunity to earn and make a living.

Answered by Anonymous


We know that people all over the world people are facing various problems due to the growing pandemic of Covid-19. One of the people facing such problems are daily wage workers who mainly depend on their daily wages.


With factories and workplaces shut down due to the lockdown imposed in the country, millions of migrant workers had to deal with the loss of income, food shortages and uncertainty about their future. Due to this covid pandemic thousands of workers and migrants are in hunger. These workers can find food, but given the sky-high real estate prices  they can never find food. This is a story of lakhs of daily wages workers across the world specially in india. The root cause lies in the fact that in villages the only known source of livelihood is farming. The youth isn't exposed to other sources. These dwellings we see around us, all over the country are are a result of rise in migration primarily for earning a livelihood , which is possible in big cities or towns. Thousands of them then began walking back home, with no means of transport due to the lockdown. Sometimes they even face social insecurity. Some people who face problems of loans or social insecurity forcefully send their children to various harmful factories which leads to increase in child labour . Sad to hear that more than 300 migrant workers died due to the lockdown, with reasons ranging from starvation, suicides, exhaustion, road and rail accidents, police brutality and denial of timely medical care.


Covid-19 has thrown up an unprecedented challenge for the global economy. But it has also opened a short window of opportunity to establish an economic philosophy grounded in India’s social and cultural context.


But our Indian government  has provided various relief measures like like Transport arrangements, Shramik Special trains, Quarantine measures. But according to me they could provide more better measures beacuse thousands of migrants have since protested across the country, for reasons ranging from demanding transport back home, quality of food served, not being allowed to cross the border, and against government directives preventing them to walk home. Some of the protests even turned violent.

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