working women have to multitask to Maintain an equilibrium bit been there home and profession. Write an article saluting appreciating search everyday heroes.
Out mother is our first teacher and first role model.
Many of them are working many are a housewife.
They are the main root of the family tree who handle both the office and home with same enthusiasm.
Mother’s day should not be celebrated for one day because 365 days they dedicate their life to our happiness so we should thankful to her around the year.
Man and woman have different roles to play, but in modern times man and woman both are working to provide for their families and the result is children being left on their own. Nowadays in every home women stand up alongside men in earning as well as they can handle their household work very efficiently and with patience.
Working women are better at multitasking, as they have the God-given ability to multitask. Man and woman have different roles to play, but in modern times man and woman both are working to provide for their families and the result is children being left on their own. Nowadays in every home women stand up alongside men in earning as well as they can handle their household work very efficiently and with patience.
Recently, some companies are preferring female candidates as they are honest about their work and time. Women have lots of different roles in their lives as a daughter, sister, wife, and daughter-in-law. In all these roles, they manage their work in a proper manner. And the very best ability of women is they can adjust their selves to any situation with a more steady mind. This talent and energy should rather be channelised and used in productivity for the individuals plus the country's progress.