English, asked by mohits1335, 4 days ago

Worksheet about comparing between semantic and communicative translation


Answered by csamorpita


This description of communicative translationresembles Eugene


dynamic equivalence, inthe effect it is trying to create on the tt reader, while,semantic translation has similarities to


 formal equivalence.



Semantic translation attempts to render as closely asthe semantic and syntactic structures of the secondlanguage, allow the exact contextual meaning of the original. Communicative translation attempts to

produce on it’s readers an effect as close as

possible to that obtained on the readers of theoriginal. (Newmark-198

This description of communicative translationresembles Eugene


dynamic equivalence, inthe effect it is trying to create on the tt reader, while,semantic translation has similarities to


 formal equivalence.



Newmark suggests the solution of conflict of loyalty,or in other words, narrowing the gap betweenemphasis on source and target language byreplacing such old terms as word for word, sensefor sense, literal, free, and faithful translation withthose of semantic and communicative translation.






APPROACHES TO TRANSLATION(1981) and A TEXTBOOK OF TRANSLATION(1988) have been widely used on translator trainingcourses and combine a wealth of practicalexamples of linguistic theories of meaning withpractical applications for translation.

Peter Newmark born on 12


April 1916 and died on 9


July2011 was an English professor of translation at theuniversity of Surrey. He was one of the main figures infounding translation studies in the English-speaking worldsince 1980s. He was also very influential in the Spanish-speaking world.

Newmark is widely read through a serries of accessible and occasionally polemical works, thetitles of which are as straightforward as himself: ATextbook of Translation (1988), Paragraphs onTranslation (1989), About Translation (1991), MoreParagraphs on Translation (1998).

Newmark was associated with the foundation anddevelopment of the center for translation studies atSurrey. He was chair of editorial board of journal of Specialised

Translation. He also wrote “TranslationNow” bimonthly for the linguist and was an editorial

board member of the institute of Linguist.


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