English, asked by saianbhatt2017, 3 months ago

world environment day is celebrated on 5th June every year.On the occasion this year, a noted non-governmental organisation (NGO)wants to raise awareness on climate change.It invites students to write an article in 200 words title SAVING MY CITY .The best writing article will be published in a national Daily .
You are Susan Thomas/Shawn Thomas, a class IX students from Goa. Thing about this question before you write your article.
•How is my city contributing to climate change?
•How is climate change affecting my city?
•What can my city do to reduce the effects of climate change?
•How can my city adapt to climate change?





Answered by deepankarjaiswal52


1)At the same time, cities are a key contributor to climate change, as urban activities are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. ... Cutting emissions will also reduce local pollution from industries and transport, thus improving urban air quality and the health of city dwellers.

2)Rising global temperatures causes sea levels to rise, increases the number of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and storms, and increases the spread of tropical diseases. All these have costly impacts on cities' basic services, infrastructure, housing, human livelihoods and health.

3)Let's highlight just five of the many strategies cities are using to counteract climate change.

Embracing Renewable Energy Sources.

Divesting from Fossil Fuels.

Energy Efficiency.

Public Transport.

Mitigation and Adaptation.

Help Your City Confront the Climate Crisis.

4)Cities house more than half the world’s population, consume 75% of its energy and emit 80% of all greenhouse gasses. But cities are not just sources of problems; they are innovative sites for policy solutions.

Indeed, while the story of climate change is often depicted as a depressing repetition of huge problems with time running out, the story of cities and climate change is more optimistic.

Answered by bandameedipravalika0



Every year on June 5, people around the world commemorate World Environment Day to raise awareness about environmental concerns, such as climate change and the rapidly deteriorating circumstances.


An estimated 7 million people each year pass away from air pollution-related causes, with the Asia-Pacific area accounting for the majority of these deaths. This day, which falls on June 5, promotes activism all throughout the world. Everything from littering to climate change is included.

We receive innumerable benefits from the environment that we will never be able to fully return. Due to their ties to the forest, its plants, wildlife, water, and air. The air is filtered and hazardous gases are absorbed by the forest and trees. Plants filter water, lessen the likelihood of flooding, preserve the natural equilibrium, and do many other things.

  1. Cities have a significant role in climate change because they produce significant amounts of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity. Reducing emissions will help lessen local industry and transportation pollution, improving urban air quality and city people' health.
  2. Increasing sea levels, the frequency of extreme weather events like floods, droughts, and storms, and the spread of tropical illnesses are all effects of rising global temperatures. All of these have expensive effects on the essential services, housing, livelihoods, and health of those living in cities.
  3. Let's focus on just five of the numerous methods cities are employing to combat climate change.
  • Adoption of renewable energy sources.
  • Removing oneself from fossil fuels
  • Efficiency in energy.
  • Public transportation
  • Adaptation and mitigation.
  • Confront the Climate Crisis with Your City.

  4.   More over half of the world's population lives in cities, which also           utilize 75% of the energy and generate 80% of the greenhouse gases. Cities, however, are creative locations for implementing new policy; they are not merely sources of issues.


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