Biology, asked by HARSHA1607, 1 year ago

World heart day celebrated on 29th September. Meet a near by cardidogist & Collect information about structure and functions of this cardiac muscle. Prepare a paper presentation some cardiac diseases and preventive measures.


Answered by PratikRatna

Hey ✌️



Structure :

Heart is a four chambered pumping organ which pumps blood. It's upper two chambers are known as Atria while lower two chambers ventricle. Both Atria are separated by Atrial septum and both ventricles are separated by Interventricular septum. Atria are known as recieving chambers because they collects blood. In right atrium superior and inferior vena cava opens through which blood from body comes into Heart. In right chamber opening of coronary artery (artery present in heart) also present know as Coronary Sinus. So, right atrium also recieves blood from heart itself. all blood which comes in right atrium are deoxygenated blood which means they have less amount of oxygen and very high amount of carbon dioxide. Right Atrium opens into Right Ventricle. There is a Valve present between right atrium and right ventricle know as Tricuspid Valve which checks the back flow of blood. Right ventricle pumps blood into Pulmonary Artery through which blood enters into both Lungs. In lungs oxygenation of blood occurs and now these oxygenated blood again comes into Heart (Left Atrium). Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from Lungs through Pulmonary vein. Now these oxygenated blood enters into Left Ventricle. There is a Valve present in between left atrium and left ventricle know as Bicuspid or Mitral valve. It checks the back flow of blood. Now Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood in Aorta through which it distributed into complete body through many branches of Aorta know as Artery.

Heart has four valves. Two are Semilunar valves which are present in Pulmonary Artery and Aorta. One is tricuspid valve which is present between right atrium and right ventricle and one is Bicuspid or Mitral valve which is present between left atrium and left ventricle.

A self excitable cell also present in Right Atrium near the opening of Superior Vena Cava know as SA NODE. It generates impulse and transfers to AV NODE which further transfer to AV bundle and then Bundle of His and finally Purkinje fibres. These impulses helps in contraction in heart muscles due which heart becomes able to pump blood. When heart contracts blood from both atria enters into ventricle and blood from ventricle pumps out in Pulmonary Artery and Aorta. SA Node is also known as Natural Pacemakers.

Functions of Heart :

It is a pumping organ which pumps blood. It is most vital oragan of body which failure leads to death.


Also known as Cardiac muscles. These are specialised tissues which are continuously contracting and relaxing. They are self exitable and involuntary in nature. They are helpful to pumps blood into lungs (through Pulmonary Artery) and complete body (through Aorta).


Thanks !!!

Answered by varshini1101

here is your answer ⤵️⤵️

The muscle presnet in the heart are responsible for pumping blood.

The cells are long branched andhave nuclei.

cells are joined to each other at their ends.

All the muscle cells in cardiac muscle have strations.

Though it resmebles the striated in its, structure, it is an involuntary muscle.

presence of untercalated disks is the characteristic feature of cardiac muscle.

It occurs in the wall of heart cardiac muscle fibers are branched forming a network.

A cardiac muscle fiber is a short cylindrical cell containing One centrally located nuclues.

Mitochondria Are more numerous than in skeletal muscle fibre .

Cardiac muscle fibers are straited.

Dieases of cardiac muscle :

High blood pressure

Artery disease and etc....

Prevention measures :

Take a healthy diet.

live in a clean area and surroundings.

hope my answer helps you
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