World leaders should understand that despite eternal economic growth, human beings
cannot eat money. Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons for your ansswer?
Hey mate hope so u mark me as brainlist
yes I agree, every human being to reach a development level of a low class American, the world would have to provide over five times its actual resources. Not even with alternative energy the demand could be met. And all "virgin" ecosystems would have to be converted to productive land
Population size is generally blame shifting tactics. It is true whether we were/are on the planet or not climate Change had occurred and would occur in short or long future. Examples of rubber collectors in Brazil and small fish and salt makers in Hondurans in the mangrove coastal areas areas where a large number of people were earning their livelihood sustainably without injuring environment are eminent ones. When logger started clearing forest and ranchers started encroaching these forests and when MNCs started to produce salt and over fishing, not only poor population was deprived of its livelihood, but environment is damaged beyond recovery. It is not the question of size of population or poverty, it is question of the way we are using our environment as life support system, resource field and throughput sink. If we have to support lifestyle of world population at the level of the US population we would need at least four planets Earth with all its functions. Naturally to maintain a high standard of life we have to plunder more and more and emit all type of obnoxious gases to hasten climate change. Gandhiji very rightly pointed out, "World is enough to feed all but not for greed of one."