Would the Populist message be attractive to some Louisiana? Who would be attracted by this message?
In Louisiana, the People's (or Populist) Party was established in October 1891 to advocate for the rights of farmers and workers in rural areas and to promote labor-friendly legislation. In addition to advocating for national monetary reform ("free silver"), Louisiana Populists sought for changes to the state's legislative and electoral system, which at the time was dominated by the so-called Bourbon Democrats.
The Louisiana Populist, which succeeded W. L. Shackelford's Montgomery Mail as the People's Party of Louisiana's official organ, rose to prominence as one of the most significant independent media outlets in the state. "Equal Rights to Everyone, Special Favour Where Justice Demands" was the motto of the first issue, which was released on August 24, 1894. The paper, according to its editor, would be "dedicated to the enlightenment of the people upon the great economic issues of the day." Brian covered important local and federal elections as well as significant labor movement developments in the middle of the 1890s. Brian's speech was vehemently opposed to banks and the gold standard, like that of other Populist newspaper editors around the country. But the Louisiana Populist additionally illustrated how the People's The party's programme was changed to better appeal to rural Louisiana's white voters. For instance, Brian attempted to sway readers away from the Democratic Party in the paper's inaugural issue by claiming that northern Democrats no longer supported white supremacy and supported enlisting African American voters. In spite of the party's long-standing practise of denying black voters the right to vote, he also charged Louisiana Democrats with stuffing the ballot boxes with their votes.
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