Would you kill ten people to save 1?
no, because instead of one person life we will kill 10 lifes.it is wrong
According to me, the answer is yes and no.
→ Why 'yes' ?
'Yes' applies, only in one case. If the killing of people is to fight against injustice, then, it is okay. For example, many countries bomb the regions where terrorist organisations live. Because they are a threat to the other people, and killing them is for the public good. Killing of people who have brutally assaulted a girl is also justifiable upto an extent (like we have seen in the case of Nirbhaya, in which the criminals have been hanged). So, yes, it is considered okay.
→ Why 'no' ?
'No' because, whatever be the reason and how much ever cruel they have been, it is usually considered that no other human has the right to take away their life. Like Mahatma Gandhi told, "an eye for an eye can make the whole world, blind ". This is the reason why most of the democracies in the world rarely give a death sentence.
That's all.