Would you rather teleport to past or get teleport to future...and why??reason..
It's just a assumption..
You find a time machine that can take you anytime in the past and anytime in the future, at any ... and location, and you're taken then/ there for one day (it teleports you to the location too)
You can call me conservative if you like, but think this through: Time travel into the past has lots and lots of weird implications which might lead to disastrous results we have no idea about. What is the grandfather paradox to result in if it ever came to pass in reality? We don’t know. I’m afraid of it. So I don’t want it.
Time travel into the future is more or less just a long-term freeze. Step inside today and come back out in n years. Well, that doesn’t really sound so interesting. Unless for seeing how things are going to turn out. But, yeah, well, stepping into a world without all of your friends and relatives? Without any chance of going back? I’m not convinced I would like to have this.
But teleportation on the other hand, man, that’s a gimmick! Transportation is today’s biggest issue besides building things. And it’s a gigantic issue if you ask me. I’m working at TomTom and we think a lot about transporting people around in the most clever way, routing around traffic jams and road closures etc. And it’s a hell of a problem and there’s only so much you can do about it.
Teleportation would put me out of business in a blink of course but I would more than readily take this chance. Think about a world in which roads aren’t needed anymore. In which you could have a house in the mountains, work in a city and go surfing in the afternoon in the sea. (Okay, if you’re in French Riviera you can have all of this, but that’s just a tiny spot on Good Old Earth.) And see your friends which live on the other side of the planet every night.
Imagine to drop all these cars into a giant dumpster. All the trains, planes, and container ships. Re-forest all the roads, highways, railroads. Most accidents nowadays are traffic related. If you hear of a friend or relative dying suddenly, it’s a 10 in 1 chance that it was a fatal traffic accident. All of these gone in a blink with the implementation of teleportation. Not to mention all the pollution of the environment done by all these cars, planes, ships, etc.