Would you recommend the use of electrochemical cell? To what kind of application? Why?
An electrochemical cell is a device that can generate electrical energy from the chemical reactions occurring in it, or use the electrical energy supplied to it to facilitate chemical reactions in it. These devices are capable of converting chemical energy into electrical energy, or vice versa. A common example of an electrochemical cell is a standard 1.5-volt cell which is used to power many electrical appliances such as TV remotes and clocks.
Such cells capable of generating an electric current from the chemical reactions occurring in them care called Galvanic cells or Voltaic cells. Alternatively, the cells which cause chemical reactions to occur in them when an electric current is passed through them are called electrolytic cells.
Electrochemistry has a number of different uses, particularly in industry. The principles of cells are used to make electrical batteries. In science and technology, a battery is a device that stores chemical energy and makes it available in an electrical form. Batteries are made of electrochemical devices such as one or more galvanic cells or fuel cell