Wrete note on the main aim of Home sciel education at school level
Meaning. A formal letter is a letter, written in formal language, in the stipulated format, for official purpose. A letter written in an friendly manner, to someone you are familiar with, is called informal letter. Objective. Professional Communication
“Home science education is worth life education”. From time immoral down the ages of civilization, “Home and Family” has been the core of all human development and the society at large. By catering to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the members, the home gives meaning to life and refines the life of citizen leading to better living and thus building a healthy and developed country. Home science can be defined as “Education for better living”. It explores the plausibility of the establishment of the perfections in the social orders starting from the home life to the community level. On the whole, the goals of Home science can be spell out as “for prosperous living and achieving the highest happiness”.
Home science is a dynamic and ever growing field of education. It is an applied field built upon both the discipline of science and humanities for the purpose of achieving the welfare and wellbeing of the family in an ever changing society. It is the education for “better living” and the core of this education is the “family ecosystem”. It is the study of reciprocal relations between the family and its natural and man made environments.