writ a paragraph on Invention of numbers within 300 words
Step-by-step explanation:
Inventions are one of the most imp factors which took us at great height. We had achieved great in our life through inventions. As these inventions one of the most important invention of humans is the numbers or so called number system. Actually, I thought that as we called sanskrit is the mother of all languages so the number is that factor which gave birth and still giving births to many inventions. We also came that invention of numbers are done by great , mathematician and philosopher "Aryabhata" . As we called whom who founded it centuries ago that the earth is not flat it is round and also that the sun is not moving but actually it is the earth, we, which move around sun. The inventions of numbers is very remarkable change in the history of India. Not only India but in the history of whole world. It is that number by which people learnt to calculate, learn to solve and even learnt how to spent money on iems so it is one of the important and amazing creature of Human beings. Numbers give us way of thinking, it made life easier and it is the best way of understanding any things. It actually take this world together on a platform. Even our computer cant read and understand english actually command give by us is converted into its own language java, and many other and its coding-decoding all are based on numbers 'binary number'.
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