English, asked by rahuly8310, 1 year ago

write 10 line on morning walk for class 8th


Answered by awsomecookiefails

On Friday, it was a bright day with the sun shining radiantly. The pathway I took was narrow and was cutting throw the forest. The trees stood straight and tall, gaurding the pathway. Roses and Daises of exceptional colours bloomed around the edges. The end of the pathway appeard as the breath-taking view consumed me. The long morning wlak was worth it as i saw a large medow, untouched be humans. the tall grass blew with the wind as cows grazed them. Sheep ran aornd the medow with no care of this world. it was surronded by green mountains. At this angle, you could see snow covered mountain peaks. The view looked straight from heaven.

This is my first time answering a question. Hope it helped.                

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