write 10 lines about motivational speaker in English
he is a very nice speaker who speaks for good motives
One is a rags-to-riches story, which is expected, considering Jobs’ success. Second is a story of adversity in which Jobs explains the issues he faced after being “fired” from Apple.
But it’s the third story – one about death – that’s truly surprising. It’s not a subject you’ll hear in many commencement speeches, let alone motivational ones. Yet, in telling this story, Jobs manages to present it in a way that it’s not depressing or scary but instead inspires his audience to live life to the fullest.
In the same way, as you shape your own motivational speeches or as you approach challenging situations, remember that simplicity and logic are all well and good, like the stories Jobs includes at the beginning of his speech. But, if you want to truly stand out and conquer your challenges, be courageous! Approach tough topics head-on, don’t be afraid to be unconventional, and you’re sure to leave a mark, just like Jobs did.