English, asked by Divanshkhullar, 10 months ago

write 10 lines on Lord Buddha in English​


Answered by mayankjagarwal


10 lines on gautam buddha in hindi and english

10 lines on gautam buddha in hindi and english

(1) गौतम बुद्ध का जन्म लगभग 563 ईसा पूर्व कपिलवस्तु के लुम्बिनी में हुआ था।

Mahatma buddha was born on 563 bc at lumbini in kapilvastu.

(2) गौतम बुद्ध पिता का नाम शुद्धोधन था जो शाक्य कबीले के सरदार थे।

The name of his father was shuddhodhan who was a shakya king.

(3) जब बुद्ध केवल 7 दिन के थे, इनकी माँ मायादेवी की मृत्यु हो गयी थी।

His mother mayadevi died when gautam buddha was only 7 days old.

(4) बचपन से ही इनका लालन-पालन इनकी मौसी प्रजापति गौतमी ने किया।

Gautmi prajapati took care of buddha ever since he was a small kid.

(5) गौतम बुद्ध के बचपन का नाम सिद्धार्थ था, ये बहुत गंभीर स्वभाव के थे।

The early name of gautam buddha was siddharth, he was very sincere kid.

(6) इनका विवाह यशोधरा से हुआ, जिससे इन्हे राहुल नाम का पुत्र उत्पन्न हुआ।

Gautam buddha was married to yashodhara, he had a son with her named rahul.

(7) 29 वर्ष की आयु में ज्ञान और सत्य की खोज में इन्होने गृहत्याग कर दिया।

At the age of 29 buddha left his home in search of truth and wisdom.

(8) 6 वर्ष की कठिन तपस्या के बाद उन्हें पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे ज्ञान प्राप्त हुआ।

After doing penance for 6 year under a peepal tree he became enlightened.

(9) इन्हे बोधगया में जिस पेड़ के नीचे ज्ञान प्राप्त हुआ उसे बोधिवृक्ष कहते हैं।

In bodhgaya, the tree under which he got enlightened is known as bodhi vriksh.

(10) इन्होने बौद्ध धर्म की स्थापना की, आज बौद्ध धर्म कई देशों में माना जाता है।

He established buddha religion which is followed in many countries.

Answered by syed2020ashaels


Gautam Buddha is the founder of Buddhism.

He was born into a royal family in Lumbini, Nepal, in 623 BC.

His mother was Queen Maya, and his father was King Shuddhodan.

His mother passed away shortly after his birth, thus his stepmother Mahaprajapati reared him.

He had another name as a child, Siddharta.

To prevent Gautam from leaving the palace, all the material comforts were offered to him.

With the first sign of disease and death, he entered a state of intense introspection and made the decision to find a solution to the agony.

Gautam abandoned his wife, his kingdom, and his son Rahula in order to put an end to misery.

Under the bodhi tree, he reached enlightenment after six difficult years of fasting and meditation.

Gautama taught the noble eight-fold path to free oneself from suffering until he died.

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