English, asked by 1ashadevi1257, 10 months ago

Write 10 lines on Talktive girl?​


Answered by barikaparna067


I myself am not a very chatty person, but I love my talkative friends. They make life oh[!] so interesting. If you are like me and have close friends or loved ones who are super talkative, then you’ll understand what I mean when I say these things about talkative friends…

1. They HAVE to tell you about their day!

They just can’t help themselves. They’ll call or come over to your place to tell you about their day. Fortunately, there is no silent or dull moment in their day. The way they describe it is so interesting that if you didn’t know any better you’d be pretty jealous.

2. Although they speak a million words a second, you always try to pay attention and listen

That’s because you love them and you don’t want to hurt their feeling by appearing not to care. Besides, if you don’t pay attention you might miss an important point in there—and that would be worse than interrupting.

3. They always have an inclination to bring up and make a commentary on random things, and it often seems like they are experts at the mundane

4. Because they talk so much, they often don’t bother listening to you

They often cut you short in mid-sentence and it makes you mad. Even when you’re mad at them though, you still know that you care about them. You understand that they HAVE to speak. It’s simply their nature.

5. They have certain pet topics that just triggersthem to gush on and on when they come up in conversation

…So you must always have a list of alternative, more bearable topics on hand to spring on them whenever they ratchet up on their pet topic: such as raising questions about the person they’re dating, fashion or sports.

6. They always have a bag full of surprises and unpredictable answers to every question you throw at them

And that is why you fear asking them some questions, because you never know what they will say or where they will take the conversation. Sometimes their answers are eye-opening; sometimes not so much.

7. They’re always sharing the tiniest of details with you (and others) only to realize what a silly thing they’ve just done

You’ve actually watched people nudge them and say “ssshhh,” when they are speaking out of place. You always feel embarrassed for them for sharing way too much information than was called for.

8. They have a penchant for talking to themselves and having conversations in their own heads


That’s when they are silent (which is rare). You always wonder whether they get time to just sit and rest their brain. Still, you’re impressed how they never seem to get bored—even when they are left alone in their own company.

9. They probably will never be able to keep a secret forever!

That’s because you know how much they like to talk.Because they talk so much, they tend to let things slip—secrets included. It’s really not that surprising any more that they somehow always inadvertently let the cat out of the bag.


10. They are excellent at starting and holding conversations—even with total strangers

…And how they are able to make new friends and hold conversations so effortlessly never ceases to amaze you. It’s still a mystery to you how they do it with a total stranger. Anyway, they have the gift of the gab and you love it because it makes you look cool and interesting by associations

11. They are a life saver in social situations where small talk (which you hate) is expected

You never have to worry about small talk or feel out of place when you are out with them on social gatherings, because they will always hold the conversation. When you see them in action talking to people freely it always makes you want to open up just as much as they do.

12. You can always trust them to blurt out spoilers for the books, movie or TV show you’re watching


And that makes you so mad—at least most of the time it does.

13. They are forthright and tell you like it is!

Because they don’t keep secrets or hold back information from you, they always tell you exactly what is on their mind, especially when they are upset with you for some reason. You hate it that they are so forthright, but love it because issues in your relationship are dealt with openly.

Answered by niharikasingh15


1.He was evidently vexed and impatient for the talkative doctor to go..

2.He calls me a chatterer, although he himself is more talkative than a magpie.

3. People began forming into little talkative groups.

4.) She was in a talkative mood.

5.Don't be so talkative.

6.She winked a warning to the talkative boy.

7) He was accompanied by an ebullient, talkative blonde.

8) She's a lively, talkative person.

9) She became more and more talkative as the evening went on.

10) Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate

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