English, asked by aujlagurtej142, 1 year ago

write 10 lines to tell people how to conserve water​


Answered by Cabc4619


1) Save Water is an initiative to conserve water.

2) Water is a transparent, tasteless, colourless, odourless substance, present everywhere in the world.

3) It covers about 71 % of the earth’s surface through seas and oceans.

4) If we want civilization to flourish, we have to start saving water.

5) Scarcity of water is the result of drought, contamination and pollution, causing a huge amount of causalities every year.

6) Freshwater supply is very limited; hence the stress on conservation on the water is highly essential for everybody.

7) We must try to save water so that it remains available for us and our future generations.

8) Saving of water also minimizes the extra cost of availing freshwater by mechanical means.

9) As a responsible citizen, it is our prime duty to avoid the wastage of water and spread awareness on the same.

10) Let’s take the pledge to save water and help to keep it clean.


Answered by GauravTheKing10


1) Check short toilet for leaks

2) take a shorter shower

3) turn turn off water while brushing teeth.

4) using drip system for irrigation

5) wash vehicles at location where water can be recycled.

6) turn turn off shower when you are applying soap.

7) boil food in as little water as possible

8)while washing clothes in washing machine match the water level to the size of the load

9) wash fruits and vegetables in pots instead of running water

10) check check for water leaks inside and outside the house.

hope this help you by applying this method you will definitely conserve water. Thanks.

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