English, asked by BIKI52551, 11 months ago

Write 10 sentences about plumber


Answered by akrishnatripcl9b7
. We had to call a plumber to unblock the drains.

2. The plumber is coming tomorrow to install the new washing machine.

3. The plumber will fit some new safety values.

4. The plumber made a careful check of the pipes and shook his head.

5. We'll have to get a plumber in.

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6. I waited in for the plumber all morning, but he didn't turn up.

7. We'll have to get a plumber in to look at that water tank.

8. The plumber splayed the end of the pipe before fitting it over the next section.

9. Have you asked the plumber to come and look at the leaking pipe?

10. If you need a plumber look in the Yellow Pages.

11. The plumber made rather a bad job of the repairs.

12. The plumber came to mend the burst pipe.

13. Why pay a plumber when my brother will do it for nothing?

14. My grandfather was a plumber by trade .

15. I must get onto the plumber about the shower.

16. We'll have to get a plumber in to mend that burst pipe.

17. When is the plumber coming to mend the burst pipe?

18. He must be a good plumber,(http://sentencedict.com/plumber.html) or else he wouldn't be so busy.

19. I waited in all day but the plumber

Answered by sarabjitkaur5667


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