write 10 simple points on squirrel
squrel is an animal it is very small it is very cute it climbs on the trees and it is very soft it runs very fast
ExIn Greek, the word ‘squirrel’ means ‘shadow tail’.
The most iconic behavior of squirrels is storing nuts and acorns for winter. Which is necessary for the species of squirrel that don’t hibernate.
The hind legs of squirrels are double-jointed, which gives them the ability to run up and down trees very quickly.
A male squirrel can actually smell a female in heat, from up to a mile away.
Mating season for squirrels is from February to May, with a 44-day gestation period. Generally, two to four young are born per litter.
Squirrels have 4 toes on their front feet, which are extremely sharp and used for gripping tree bark whilst climbing. They also have 5 toes on their back feet.
In addition to residing in the Eastern US, Eastern Gray Squirrels can be found in many Western states, United Kingdom, Ireland and South Africa.
With 285 species of squirrels, they can be found in every continent except Antarctica and Australia.
Squirrels can eat their own body weight every week, which is roughly 1.5 pounds.
Squirrels can fall from 30 meters high, without hurting themselves.