Write 10 ways thay you can follow to save energy
Adjust your day-to-day behaviors.
Replace your light bulbs.
Use smart power strips.
Install a programmable or smart thermostat.
Purchase energy efficient appliances.
Switch off lights and electrical appliances when you don't use them. ...
Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
Shut doors and close curtains. ...
Save energy in how you wash and dry clothes.
Make sure your appliances are energy efficient. ...
10 ways follow to save energy.
1) Adjust your day-to-day behavior.
2) Replace your light bulbs.
3) Use smart power strips.
4) Install a programmable or smart thermostat.
5) Purchase energy efficient appliances.
6) Reduce your water heating expenses.
7) Install energy efficient windows.
8) Upgrade your HVAC system.
9) Weatherize your home.
10) Insulate your home.