Write 10 white collar jobs.
Class 5th questions...
Applications Software Developer.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst. Information Security Analyst.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst. Information Security Analyst. Management Consultant.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst. Information Security Analyst. Management Consultant. Financial Manager.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst. Information Security Analyst. Management Consultant. Financial Manager. Medical or Health Services Manager.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst. Information Security Analyst. Management Consultant. Financial Manager. Medical or Health Services Manager. Personal Financial Advisor.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst. Information Security Analyst. Management Consultant. Financial Manager. Medical or Health Services Manager. Personal Financial Advisor.Bank Manager.
Applications Software Developer. Accountant or Auditor. Market Research Analyst. Information Security Analyst. Management Consultant. Financial Manager. Medical or Health Services Manager. Personal Financial Advisor.Bank Manager.Insurance company Manager.
Some examples of White Collar jobs include; corporate executives, advertising and public relation professionals, architects, stockbrokers, doctors, dentists and dietitians. Very often these positions can be highly stressful, demanding and require good time management skill.
- hope you understand