Paragraph on Trees 1 (100 Words)
Short Paragraph on Importance of Trees
There are many different types of trees that grow. Trees are food for man and all herbivorous animals. The roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds of trees may be edible. Trees are also home to many wildlife species. Animals seek the shade and shelter of trees. Birds build their nests in trees. Reptiles and insects also live in trees.
Trees help in binding the soil. Trees and forests also play a role in maintaining the hydrological cycle and rainfall patterns. Trees are Nature’s bounty. We must not cut down trees. We must protect trees, and help grow more trees.
Mother Earth has given us many gifts. One of them is trees. Trees are very important to us. Many of our tribes live inside forests which have trees. Trees provide us timber to make furniture. Wild animals depend on trees for food and shelter. Trees help to prevent soil erosion and floods. They give out Oxygen and make the Earth clean and cool. Many products such as paper, gum, rubber etc are obtained from trees. Trees reduce pollution and increase rain. Birds make their nests on trees.Life, on earth, would not have been possible if there would not have been any green vegetation on the earth, especially, the trees. Trees are of so much importance to us as it is because of them that we get enough oxygen in the air to breathe, the absence of which would have made our existence on the earth impossible. So friends, SAVE TREES by not cutting them and make them happy.
And Love Trees....