English, asked by tarelswar5820, 3 months ago



Answered by hrithikamarriahbinoj



Wings are really the amazing part for the birds. I feel that birds are very lucky to have wings. Because thay fly high whereever they want.

we have also heard of the angels in fairy tales. The angels are also depicted with beautiful wings. Angels are also luckiest to have wings.

If i have wings i feel i'm the most luckiest on this earth. I will fly from place to place and explore things. I will fly upon the water levels and enjoy. Fly across mountains, waterfalls and i will sleep across the nature's lap in the top of hills.

Sky is the limit for me if i have wings. I will aim to reach for the sky and fly higher and higher competiting with all birds.

i can transport from one place to another with free of cost :-) No petrol and no diesel... In this way i will do a small favour to the nature by not polluting it.There are so many creatures live on the earth. Birds are one of them. Birds have wings that are the most beautiful thing given to them by God. They can fly in the high sky. I wish I have wings. I love the wings because I want to fly in the deep sky. If I could have wings then it will be amazing.Then I can fly and go anywhere without any need for transportation.

I would see the birds life. Wings might help me to see and visit all over the world. It is my dream to fly but we can only visit in the sky through the airplane etc.

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