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What is the impact of seasonal change on life of people.
don't know if you have any other questions I answer that
Earth's multiple motions — spinning on its axis and orbiting the sun — are behind everything from day and night to the changing seasons.
The Earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees, which makes the Northern Hemispheres point more directly at the sun the sun half the year, and the Southern Hemisphere do the same the other half. In the Northern Hemisphere, days reach their maximum and minimum lengths at the two solstices – when the top half of the planet faces directly toward (summer solstice) or away from (winter solstice) the sun. Meanwhile, days and nights are roughly equal during the two equinoxes.
As for why the beginning of fall falls on a different day each year, there are two reason: Our year is not exactly an even number of days; and Earth's slightly noncircular orbit, plus the gravitational tug of the other planets, constantly changes our planet's orientation to the sun from year to year.