Write 2 controls of malaria?
Drape mosquito netting over beds
Put screen on windows and doors
1)Wear full sleeve protective clothing.
2)Spray insect repellants on your exposed skin. The recommended repellent contains 20-35% N N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET).
3)Use a mosquito net over the bed if your bedroom isn’t air-conditioned or screened. For additional safety, you can treat the mosquito net with the insecticide permethrin.
4)When you go out, in addition to spraying insect repellants on your exposed skin, you can also spray on your clothing. Mosquitoes find it easy to bite through thin clothing.
5)Keep your home and surroundings clean without any junks or wastes.
6)When it comes to controlling the disease, keep an eye out for the symptoms like fever with high temperature. As soon as you find any possible signs of malaria, consult your doctor immediately.
7)Make sure you don’t keep your windows and doors open at night as mosquitoes get active during the night and pose a higher risk. You can either use a mosquito or any net to seal your window and then open for the whole day.
8)Depending on the condition and prescription, you can take anti-malarial tablets.
9)If you are a regular user of sunscreen, make sure you apply sunscreen first and then use an insect repellent. Also, go for a sunscreen with SPF of 30-50.
10)Follow the prescriptions of the doctor. This means that if your doctor has requested you to follow a 2-week course, follow the prescription and medications for two weeks.