write 2 example of each of proper noun ,common noun countable noun , uncountable noun , abstract noun ,concrete noun , material noun , compound noun collective noun
Proper noun: India, Taj Mahal
Common noun: Sheep, Cloth
Countable noun:Toffee, Bags
Uncountable noun:Milk, Sugar
Abstract noun:love,Health
Concrete noun:Food, Pushpender Rawat
Material noin:Wood, Iron
Compound noun:Tooth-paste, Sunday
Collective noun:A bunch of keys, An resident of Soldiers
Examples of - :
•Proper noun - Neha , lucknow, Ganga
•Common noun - Neha is a girl , Mr Gupta is a painter , The books are on the table .
•Concrete noun - Raman ate an apple, Put some sugar in the tea.
•Abstract noun - A judge has to ensure justice, A deer is known for its timidity .
•Countable noun - River:Rivers , Class:Classes . And in sentences -- • Get me a glass of water , This doorknob is made of glass . Here , glass is an object . We can count the number of glass . Therefore it's a countable noun .
•Uncountable noun - Examples of uncountable nouns are names of materials like - gold , sugar , rice , water , oil etc. Uncountable nouns cannot be counted ,but are measured in units.
•Colletive noun - A bouque of flowers , A team of players .
•Material noun - My brother has a new phone , The pen has no ink .