Write 3 ways in which trains help people in India.
Train times, fares & tickets...
small bullet point Train routes & maps
small bullet point How to check train times & fares
small bullet point Tourist Quotas, RAC, Waitlists & Tatkal
small bullet point How to buy tickets at the station
small bullet point How to buy train tickets online
small bullet point Tips for train travel in India
small bullet point The 8 classes of seat & sleeper
small bullet point Where to go: A recommended 2-week itinerary around northern India
small bullet point Vacations, holidays & tours of India by train
small bullet point IndRail passes - now discontinued
small bullet point Tourist cruise trains & the Palace on Wheels
small bullet point International trains, buses & ferries from India
small bullet point Overland travel between Europe & India
small bullet point Hotels in India - personal recommendations
small bullet point Guidebooks
small bullet point Flights to India